Using Social Media for your Job Search

Many millennials associate social media with pictures and posts about parties, fun activities and friends. However there is another major benefit to social media… job hunting.

We’ve heard many horror stories of how social media has cost potential candidates (especially millennials) a dream opportunity due to inappropriate pictures or activities which contradict a professional image. On the flip side there are many jobs seekers which have utilized social media tools to help in their job search. The common culprit is Linkedin. But what about using Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook and Whatsapp to aid in your job search? Here is a list of some of the top ways you can use your social media accounts to help you get that dream first job:

  1. Network Mentors Word of Mouth referrals – “It’s not what you know but who you know” we’ve all heard this old adage, though it may seem like a cliche, it is still very true, especially when job hunting. It is believed that over 70% of applicants has gotten hired through networking. So let your circle know that you’re actively looking for jobs, your networks are the biggest key in your job search. 
  2. Showcase your skills and interests – You can use social media in innovative ways to demonstrate your talents in a non traditional way for eg. if you are interested in public policy, think about writing a blog discussing the latest policy changes. 
  3. Follow the companies that you like and would like to work for – This allows you to stay in the know on company and sector specific news, which will obviously help in your interviews and once you land a job in the field. Another obvious benefit is that many companies use social media as a recruitment platform to post recent job openings. 
  4. Stay motivated – Yes sometimes you get down in your job search but seeing your classmate or friend succeed can help you to believe and stay motivated that one day your break will come as well! Also related to point number 4, seeing sector specific news can motivate you to continue to pursue your goals. 
  5. Craft your professional image – This is an important one that refers back to one of our introductory points, there are many candidates and employees that have squandered great opportunities due to the fact that their social media accounts do not/did not portray a professional image. It’s probably a good idea to remove the pictures of you at that kegger. This ties into your branding as well.

We hope that this short list of potential benefits and ways to use social media in your job search helps you to get that perfect opportunity linedup!